Archive for the ‘ fitness ’ Category

>The "diet" that has changed my life!!!

>Okay, so I did a post about this yeaterday and forgot to write some stuff, but ended up deleting it instead of editting it!! lol So I’m going to redo it. hahaa

The last two months have been life changing for me!! Back in December I turned the big 2-9 which got me thinking about the things I wanted to accomplish and the things I wanted to change before I turned the dreaded 3-0!!
So I made my resolutions, the usual ones we all seem to make every year; to lose weight, get healthier, etc, etc.

Last April I had boughten Tosca Reno’s The Eat Clean Diet book and had read it cover to cover but didn’t really go further than that…until January 2011!

I re-read the book and realized that I was eatting healthy but my portions were waaay to big, and the food combinations were all off. I made a concious decision to follow the meal plans, cut out all sugar & white flour “white poison’s” add in REAL foods and started downing H20 like it was going out of style ( 6 litres a day) and was astonished at the difference I felt in a week. I was sleeping better, had more energy, and was NEVER hungry!!

I truly reccommend this book to anyone and everyone that either wants to live a healhier life or lose weight.

Along with following the ECD plan I do take supplements as well.
I’ve done tons of research on what to take, what NOT to take and what doesn’t work at all.

This is a sample of my usual day in regards to eatting and supplements:

7 am- 2 Hemodrene for her tablets, 1 litre of water
8 am- 1/2 cup oatmeal w/ flax seed & bee pollen, 1/2 cup egg whites, 1/2 litre of water
10 am- apple w/ 1 tbs organic Almond butter, 1/2 litre of water
12 pm- 6oz. chicken breast, 2 cups of leafy greens, water
2-3pm- veggies w/ hummus, water
5-6 pm- salmon w/ 1/2 cp quinoa, steamed spinach/kale, water
8pm – steamed edamame beans, herbal tea

** This is just a sample of what I eat on a daily basis**

Now that we have the “diet” part of it covered let me tell you about the workout plan.. I live in Edmonton, Ab and the weather in winter is horrid!! There is NO chance in hell I’m gonna be going out to go to the gym in -30!! lol So after feeling cooped up and dying to exercise I looked online for at home workouts..there were waaay to many to choose from..then I found and OMG, after watching a few of the workouts I found one that was 20mins and thought it looked easy enough…hahahaha until I tried it!! It kicked my ass but I felt the results right away!! you can also find the workouts on Youtube under the name: charliejames1975. This girl has one THE best bodies I’ve ever seen besides Ava Cowan’s!! Totally jealous!!!

I love the workouts because not only are the intense but they’re usually 20-30 mins long. I have to recommend this site to anyone that doesn’t have the time to get to the gym regularily.

and finally, if you want tons of information on weightloss, supplements, or to track your progress, I recommend you can chate with other people on the site, get fitness tips and etc.

In the past 2 months I’ve dropped over 12 inches and 26 lbs. my goal is lose another 82lbs before December 22, 2011 ( my 30th bday)

So here’s to apples, oatmeal and sweating your ass off 🙂