Archive for the ‘ judgemental ’ Category

>What do/how much do you really see??

>I’ve been doing tons of post on diet/fitness/nutrition..etc. But I wanted to do a post “image”

It’s human nature to look at someone and either think that person is attractive or not. We all do it. But how much do you really see of that person when you’re passing by? You see a girl/woman that is fit/thin, and automatically associate that with them being good at their job, have tons of friends, good in bed(this is what most pigs would think) healthy, etc. etc. We are so programmed to see someone that looks good on the outside and ASSUME everything is good and pretty on the inside. Just as if we see an overweight woman/man and ASSUME they are lazy,lonely, UN-healthy, etc, etc. It’s like the picture I added to this post of a lotus flower. Lotus flowers usually grow in the mud, what looks ugly on the surface but once it blooms it comes to life with beautiful colors…

I personally have friends of all shapes and sizes and don’t care to judge a person based on their body type. To be quite honest I used to have a friend back in the day that thought it was perfectly okay to try to make a move on one of my ex’s because in her twisted little mind she deserved him more than I did. He was fit, athletic & I was a few lbs. overweight. Needless to say I’m not with that douchlord anymore and definatly NOT friends with her either!! lol

Sure there are certain circumstances, I know I could never be in a relationship with a man that was overweight. I know I’m kind of contradicting myself here. But I prefer a fit guy. Same as height I could NEVER date a guy shorter than me!! lol

But in as seriousness here, what gives us the right to walk past a person and name call? point fingers? I’ve seen it so many times, I wrote a blog post a few days back about the “bitches” putting down a woman at the gym.

Another example of this, I know a girl that will NOT be caught dead going out to a club with one of her “fat” friends because she thinks people will judge her….um…you’re doing that before you even get to the dance floor hunny!!!! I’ve told her this and she honestly believes that she is justified in thinking this way.

I’ve also noticed it happen to me, my BF is tall, fit, athletic..and then theres me.. a little overweight. I’ve seen the looks from people from time to time. But stopped giving a damn because they DON’T know me or him to make that big of an impact in my life.

My point is this, if we just judge a person based on what we see on the outside aren’t we really missing out on how wonderful and special they could be on the inside???

So the next time you’re walking down the mall or somewhere and you see a person that is skinny or overweight don’t just judge them on their outter appereance.