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Sooooo, as of last night I found out my in laws were going to be coming to town in the next week!!!! ARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!! To be quite frank, we don’t get along, they don’t like anyone, even their own son in law of over 10 years!!! I’m starting to freak out, had the worst sleep ever last night thinking about their arrival…

Seeing as my last post was on judgemental people..this story will fit in perfectly!!!

Here’s the back story, when my and my man met he had a roommate( from here on she will be referred to as “skank”) Soooo, just a few short weeks after we met I ended up getting pissed of and calling her a whore bag!! Which she was, lol I just happened to have been honest enough to say it out loud!! She would run her mouth to my BF’s ex (who he shares a kid with) and from there it was like a game of telephone..she would then run to his parents (who live in the same province/city) and tell them what she had heard..always making the skank look like a victim…

So when I finally met his parents 8 months into dating him, I could tell right away they had already made their minds up about me, questioning why I didn’t like the skank? Seeing as she was such a good friend and blah, blah, blah..(the friend part was totally exagerated by them, my BF couldn’t stand her)

So in the next few months me and the skank got into a HUUUUGGGE fight and she ended up moving out ( after making a huuuggge production of how she was the victim in all of this and I had “kicked” her out!!!) NOT TRUE!!!

I’m not going to get into too much detail about why, the point is SHE’s GONE, SHE’s GONE!! Hooray!!!!

Back to his ‘rents, they blamed me for her moving out, even though my BF told them he was the one who wanted her out, not me.

To this very day, they judge me based on what they’ve heard, most of it being untrue of course but they judge me. You’d think that after being with thier son for over 3 years would give them some sort of indication that he’s happy… So this brings me to today.

I’m not sure which parent is coming up to Edmonton…but either’s freaking me out!!!

All I’ve ever wanted was to get along with them..and it’s so sad that they have made their own opinions on me based on what they have been told by a not so credible source. ( my mans cheatin ex)

So I’m gonna try to grin and bare yet another uncomfortable visit with them, hoping and praying this one will be different (it won’t)

>MOTIVATION, what motivates you????

>Motivation. What motivates you??? you see this question everywhere, every diet, fitness website asks it. My motivation, is knowing that all the hard work, sore muscles, eatting egg whites and oatmeal everyday will pay off, hearing my BF say to me how much better I look, but most of all knowing I’m doing something for myself that will not only change my physical appearance but my inside.

Some people I’ve talked to in the health world think I’m CRAZY for not only quitting smoking, but for taking on this huge diet/exercise plan. I think it’s funny people would think this, because to me instead of focusing on “needing” a smoke, I focus on eatting healthy and working out. Some might say I traded one addiction for another; but is trying to be healthier really an addiction??

I used to HATE going to the gym, but ended up going because I was tired of feeling FAT, tired of NOTHING fitting right, NOT being able to wear my skinny jeans.. but most of all because my BF is a fitness fanatic that always goes to the gym, and one day he said to me ” you can bitch all you want, but I’m still going, you can come with me, or you can sit there and be pissed; up to you.”

So I went, I amost dies on the elliptical for 45 minutes..hating every moment of it..but after time started loving it, upping the intensity. Then one day came the weights…I felt soooo weird because at our gym you have the “girly weights” you know the ones, where you sit down, do isolated moves..but one day I decided to train with the big boys. I did my first set of 21’s with a 35lb barbell.. O-M-G!!!

I never felt so proud, until I started doing leg presses working my way up in weight until I managed to do 3 sets of 20 at 350lbs.

This alone was amazing to me that I could do this, until a guy walking by had to take a double take and commented on how he couldn’t even do that much!! YES!!!! To me that motivated me to do more, to push myself more, and more each time.

I’ve commented on home workouts I follow, and I’ve mentioned that they are on the intense side. But being able to accomplish them and see the results motivates me.
Knowing that all this hardwork, will pay off and I will wear a bikini this summer, motivates me.
Having a woman come up to me after seeing me at the gym and say’s ‘I wish I look like you’, motivate me.
Reading fitness blogs, and seeing the incredible transformations motivates me, Ava Cowan motivates me, Jamie Eason motivates me.

So I ask, what motivates you??

>Playin with the big boys!!

>Sooooo I know I’ve been blogging like mad about fitness and diets, nutrition, gym fashion hahahaa but in all seriousness I had no idea how much I LOVED fitness and all that surrounds it.
In one of my previous blogs about the ECD I discussed nutrition, and all the wonderful stuff, the thing is I’ve been working out like crazy for the last 2 months, and even with the HEMODRENE for HER I’ve been taking, I’ve been looking into supplement stacking! All the guys do it, my BF does it, so I looked into if a woman could do it.

With much research last night I found out not only can I user stackers, but I can use some of the ones he’s already on. YES!!!!!!

If oyu don’t know much about supplement stacking, it’s basically taking a few different supplements being, powders, pills etc. in order to achieve your fitness goal or ideal weight sooner and more effectively.

I want to share with you what I am now taking on workout day’s:

Morning : 2 Hemoderene for her

pre workout: Superspump 250

after workout: gold star whey protein shake in chocolate fudge

I’ve been having great success with just the diet/ excercise (dropping 2-3lbs per day) but with incorporating the supplements I’m reallly hoping it will speed up and get me to my goal weight ASAP!!

So happy dieting, here’s to oatmeal, egg whites and lifting:)

>Gym, diets, and fiction..

>Okay so like most people I resolved to lose weight this year, and it’s going really well!! Yaay me!!!! lol But I want to clear up a little confusion for you!!

Diet: The best way to lose weight is to EAT CLEAN!!! I have been following the eat clean diet for the past 2 months and have dropped 15lbs so far and am feeling amazing!!

Exercise: you need to do it!!! I don’t care how many calories you try and cut you still need to exercise. This bothered me when I started going to the gym, most of the women there looked like models and I felt sooo uncomfortable at first. Thinking everyone was looking at me, till I got into the mindset of ” At least I’m not sitting at home infront of the tv, eatting a bag of doritos” and focused on the reason I was there, to make MYSELF better!!! Screw what people think!!

In our society it is sooo sad that we are all judged on our weight, we all judge I’ve done it, you’ve done it, come on you know you have!! I’ve got friends that are small and bigger and I love em all. But it makes me so sad when people feel the need to call someone fat, like they don’t know that they’re a little larger?? Was it neccessary for you to make that comment?? Probably not and the funny thing is, is that person thinks that by saying something rude like that, that the larger person is gonna run to a gym because you decided to be a douchelord!! Grow up and keep your mouth shut!!!

Okay back to the reason for this post..

The fiction, that diet shakes and pills alone will help you lose weight is so funny I’m lol as I write this!! Because popping a pill and sitting on the couch is gonna help!! lol

Although I have recently begun taking a supplement to help the weightloss move a little faster but I do exercise with it: I’ve been using Hemodrene for her, and find the results kinda amazing.

So here’s to carrot sticks and protein bars.. xoxox