>Trying to take it all in

>So it’s Friday, whih means time to jump on that scale!!! I was elated that I had lost 6lbs this week, 2 inches of my waist, 1 inch off my chest, 1 inch off the hips!!!! What an amzing way to start the weekend!!!!

Speaking of the weekend, I had talked to a friend of mine this morning and she asked if I have a “cheat day” or “cheat weekend” and the answear was clearly NO!!! Although I will admit to having a little peice of organic dark chocolate every now and again. hahaaha. One that I really like is:

It’s sooooo good, and just a little bit goes a long way.

It’s still cold in Edmonton and I’m dying for it to warm up so I can get to the gym soon. Working out from home is great and all but kinda tricky because I don’t have much equipment at home, except for my BF’s 55lbs dumbbells, a stability ball and my own fat ass lol.

I have mentioned in previous posts about http://www.bodyrock.tv and their workouts, the one I did this morinng at 5am(couldn’t sleep) was the quatum of sweat workout,
This is NOT for the light hearted, the title of the workout is says it all, after I was done I soaked in sweat and could barely make it up the stairs, lol.

I absolutly love this site because it has awesme fitness tips, nutrition tips and just looking at zuzanna’s body motivates me to get up off my ass!! lol

so here’s to the weekend and not being a couch potato!!!:)

>The "diet" that has changed my life!!!

>Okay, so I did a post about this yeaterday and forgot to write some stuff, but ended up deleting it instead of editting it!! lol So I’m going to redo it. hahaa

The last two months have been life changing for me!! Back in December I turned the big 2-9 which got me thinking about the things I wanted to accomplish and the things I wanted to change before I turned the dreaded 3-0!!
So I made my resolutions, the usual ones we all seem to make every year; to lose weight, get healthier, etc, etc.

Last April I had boughten Tosca Reno’s The Eat Clean Diet book and had read it cover to cover but didn’t really go further than that…until January 2011!

I re-read the book and realized that I was eatting healthy but my portions were waaay to big, and the food combinations were all off. I made a concious decision to follow the meal plans, cut out all sugar & white flour “white poison’s” add in REAL foods and started downing H20 like it was going out of style ( 6 litres a day) and was astonished at the difference I felt in a week. I was sleeping better, had more energy, and was NEVER hungry!!

I truly reccommend this book to anyone and everyone that either wants to live a healhier life or lose weight.

Along with following the ECD plan I do take supplements as well.
I’ve done tons of research on what to take, what NOT to take and what doesn’t work at all.

This is a sample of my usual day in regards to eatting and supplements:

7 am- 2 Hemodrene for her tablets, 1 litre of water
8 am- 1/2 cup oatmeal w/ flax seed & bee pollen, 1/2 cup egg whites, 1/2 litre of water
10 am- apple w/ 1 tbs organic Almond butter, 1/2 litre of water
12 pm- 6oz. chicken breast, 2 cups of leafy greens, water
2-3pm- veggies w/ hummus, water
5-6 pm- salmon w/ 1/2 cp quinoa, steamed spinach/kale, water
8pm – steamed edamame beans, herbal tea

** This is just a sample of what I eat on a daily basis**

Now that we have the “diet” part of it covered let me tell you about the workout plan.. I live in Edmonton, Ab and the weather in winter is horrid!! There is NO chance in hell I’m gonna be going out to go to the gym in -30!! lol So after feeling cooped up and dying to exercise I looked online for at home workouts..there were waaay to many to choose from..then I found http://www.bodyrock.tv and OMG, after watching a few of the workouts I found one that was 20mins and thought it looked easy enough…hahahaha until I tried it!! It kicked my ass but I felt the results right away!! you can also find the workouts on Youtube under the name: charliejames1975. This girl has one THE best bodies I’ve ever seen besides Ava Cowan’s!! Totally jealous!!!

I love the workouts because not only are the intense but they’re usually 20-30 mins long. I have to recommend this site to anyone that doesn’t have the time to get to the gym regularily.

and finally, if you want tons of information on weightloss, supplements, or to track your progress, I recommend bodybuilding.com. you can chate with other people on the site, get fitness tips and etc.

In the past 2 months I’ve dropped over 12 inches and 26 lbs. my goal is lose another 82lbs before December 22, 2011 ( my 30th bday)

So here’s to apples, oatmeal and sweating your ass off 🙂

>Playin with the big boys!!

>Sooooo I know I’ve been blogging like mad about fitness and diets, nutrition, gym fashion hahahaa but in all seriousness I had no idea how much I LOVED fitness and all that surrounds it.
In one of my previous blogs about the ECD I discussed nutrition, and all the wonderful stuff, the thing is I’ve been working out like crazy for the last 2 months, and even with the HEMODRENE for HER I’ve been taking, I’ve been looking into supplement stacking! All the guys do it, my BF does it, so I looked into if a woman could do it.

With much research last night I found out not only can I user stackers, but I can use some of the ones he’s already on. YES!!!!!!

If oyu don’t know much about supplement stacking, it’s basically taking a few different supplements being, powders, pills etc. in order to achieve your fitness goal or ideal weight sooner and more effectively.

I want to share with you what I am now taking on workout day’s:

Morning : 2 Hemoderene for her

pre workout: Superspump 250

after workout: gold star whey protein shake in chocolate fudge

I’ve been having great success with just the diet/ excercise (dropping 2-3lbs per day) but with incorporating the supplements I’m reallly hoping it will speed up and get me to my goal weight ASAP!!

So happy dieting, here’s to oatmeal, egg whites and lifting:)

>What’s in my gym bag!!!

>Soooo since the last few blogs I have posted have been about diet, fitness related, why not do one about whats in my gym bag!!

First of all lets talk about the gym bag:
I have a lululemon gym bag, similar to this one, mines pink!

workout clothes, I’ve become addicted to lululemons clothes, soooo comfy.

I don’t have this exact top, but ones similar to it, I love the soft, flowy feel of it. have it in black and teal.

Now the MOSt important thing in your gym bag is the runners, I’ve gone through many and when these babies came out I had to have them. and love, love, love them!!

Once again, the soles of mine are pink, hot pink!!! do you see a reacurring theme here???? lol

For the after workout I always have a protein shake and buying them at the gym was getting a little to pricey, so I started buying the myoplex shakes from GNC and love them, soooo yummy.

And if you have no time to shower at the gym, one of the best bosy mists I’ve tried that is cost friendly is the dove one here, I love how yummy it smells, and it feels cooling when you spritz it on too.

And before I forget, you NEED to have one of these: I once again have one in pink lol.

Sooooo that’s what’s in my bag!! Hope you enjoyed!!! lol

so here’s to stainless steel water bottles and comfy workout wear 🙂

>You’ve got to be kidding me b*tch??? Ignorance ISN’T bliss!!

>Okay so in my previous post about the ECD I did & the happy go lucky post, now I want to rant about the ignorant, way too skinny bitches that were on the elliptical’s next to me yesterday at the gym!!

I’m not an overly skinny girl and still feel (even though I’ve lost over 20lbs)a little self concious at the gym next to these skinny bitches in their barely there workout gear. But I keep going, focusing on my own goals. SOooo, yesterday as I’m reading about celebrity gossip and powering through my workout there are these two skinny bitches next to me, a woman who clearly was a little larger got on the treadmill infront of us, just walking. These two ingnorant bitches decide to take it upon themselves to make comments about this woman, on how she shhould be running if putting in alittle more effort if she was gonna lose any weight, and then proceeded to say that she was probably gonna stop at the burger king and order and extra large meal anyways.

I was soooo mad that these bitches had the audacity to say this, clearly the woman could hear them, seeing as she moved machines. It literally took everything in me NOT to take my water bottle and splash them in the face, or take my magazine and hit them over the head to knock some sense into them! lol

What the hell makes someone think they can be soooo rude to someone that is clearly trying to better themselves??? Yes, she was quite a bit over weight, but who care??? She was there doing what she could, this pisses me off soooo much even a day later!!

I HATE how skinny bitches and “juice heads” think the gym is onyl for skinny people!!! It’s a GYM, a place to workout!!! Since when did it turn into high school with all the whispering and name calling???!!

>When is to much too much???

>I was just checking my Facebook and seen a friends status update, and it got me thinking..when is to much too much?? We all do it, we all share what we’re doing, where we are,who we’re dating/married to, pictures, videos, the list could go on and on…
But really where do we draw the line at too much information??
Do you, like me have those friends on your FB that are constantly fighting through FB status’?? Have those friends that complain ALL the time about their money problems, relationship problems??? Does it drive you as CRAZY as it does me???
I know I tend to put a little too much info on my page, we all do it..but really when and where should we draw the line??

Then there are those people that upload pics of thier kids, now this is a sticky topic because, yes it’s great to see that friend you went to highschool with be so proud of her/his kids…but again when is it too much?? I don’t like seeing pics of myself as a naked lil bundle of joy..I DON’T WANT TO SEE PICS OF YOUR NAKED BABY!!! Seriously!! Why post things like that on a social network where anyone random person could see??? This is just my opinion, but it makes you think, when do we draw the line at letting just anyone know everything and see everything??


>Okay so the day finally here, and I am BEYOND excited!!!! I love, love, love Valentines Day. I just want totake the time to wish everyone single one of you a very happy valentines day!!

No matter what or how you plan to spend the day, single, dating, married, whatever just remember it’s a day filled with love.
This morning as I had my usual cup of green tea I logged onto FB and was shocked by the amount of people that dislike this day. WHY???? you DON’T need to be in a relationship to like Valentine’s Day!!! Yes, it does make it better when you have that special person to snuggle with, but I remember one to many Valentines Day’s that I was single and I still LOVED Valentine’s Day!!!

So enough with the “I hate Valentines Day”, “oh god gag me with all this love crap” etc, etc.

So for the one of you that are happy about today, I wish you a very happy day and a day filled with love, kisses, chocolate and roses!!!

Happy Valentines Day!!


>Seeing as Valentines Day is right around the corner, I think it’s fitting to write a blog about all the love-y dovey stuff.
It is one of if not my FAVORITE holiday!!!
So here I go… Valentines Day, to some it is a chocolate, flower filled holiday..what I don’t like about Valentines Day is it makes people only want to do/be romantic one day out of the year. My idea of romance is year round. Why shouldn’t it be?? Some people go ALL out on V-day, I don’t need the doezens of roses, lingerie, perfume, and heart shaped box of chocolates..it would be nice but I’d rather get a post it with a little note from my man telling me he loves me than a bunch of swag.
There is sooooo much pressure on V-day to out buy eachother, who got the nicer gift, who spent more $$$.. blah, blah, blah!!
I think the idea of romance has gotten lost through the years, our grandparents seemed to know what real romance was. In today’s culture, we email instead of hand writting a nice letter, we use “smileys” instead of spraying perfume on a letter, We feel the need to go to the most expensive restaurant to prove ones love, when we should be making dinner together, we text instead of having a real conversation.

Diamonds, lace and chocolate truffles shouldn’t be the focus on Valentines Day, it should be spending quality time together. Holding hands, having a meaningful conversation, going for a walk, snuggling on the couch…etc.

So this Valentines Day, don’t get hooped into thinking you need to spend your entire cheque on candy and flowers.. look your loved one in the eyes and tell them how much and why you love them.

Just my thoughts.

So here’s to truffles, lace and roses.

hope everyone has a wonderful Valentines Day, no matter how much you spend or not.

Remember it’s about LOVE not the WALLET!!


>Gym, diets, and fiction..

>Okay so like most people I resolved to lose weight this year, and it’s going really well!! Yaay me!!!! lol But I want to clear up a little confusion for you!!

Diet: The best way to lose weight is to EAT CLEAN!!! I have been following the eat clean diet for the past 2 months and have dropped 15lbs so far and am feeling amazing!!

Exercise: you need to do it!!! I don’t care how many calories you try and cut you still need to exercise. This bothered me when I started going to the gym, most of the women there looked like models and I felt sooo uncomfortable at first. Thinking everyone was looking at me, till I got into the mindset of ” At least I’m not sitting at home infront of the tv, eatting a bag of doritos” and focused on the reason I was there, to make MYSELF better!!! Screw what people think!!

In our society it is sooo sad that we are all judged on our weight, we all judge I’ve done it, you’ve done it, come on you know you have!! I’ve got friends that are small and bigger and I love em all. But it makes me so sad when people feel the need to call someone fat, like they don’t know that they’re a little larger?? Was it neccessary for you to make that comment?? Probably not and the funny thing is, is that person thinks that by saying something rude like that, that the larger person is gonna run to a gym because you decided to be a douchelord!! Grow up and keep your mouth shut!!!

Okay back to the reason for this post..

The fiction, that diet shakes and pills alone will help you lose weight is so funny I’m lol as I write this!! Because popping a pill and sitting on the couch is gonna help!! lol

Although I have recently begun taking a supplement to help the weightloss move a little faster but I do exercise with it: I’ve been using Hemodrene for her, and find the results kinda amazing.

So here’s to carrot sticks and protein bars.. xoxox